Friday 18 May 2012

In Pursuit of Love

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they crave the simple pleasures that come with loving someone, and being loved. To share your life with another, the happy moments that will be cherished and the struggles that will cement the bond become the building blocks. Humans have always sought companionship since the beginning of time itself, if you buy into that Adam and Eve tale, but for there to be love, the pure and wholesome type, self-love should be the first step in its pursuit. To form the perfect relationship with others, we must form the perfect relationship with ourselves.

Self-love is often overlooked in the pursuit of love, people go about seeking approval and gratification from others in hopes of realizing their true potential and worth, entering relationships in order to feel loved, wanted and complete. But if we don’t take the time out to first discover ourselves and tap into our minds, realizing our own value, how can we know that we are not settling for less than we deserve?

True love and peace of mind first starts within, the belief and constant reassurance of our own importance and purpose in this life, being able to accept ourselves entirely, embracing the flaws that add to our uniqueness as well as discovering our talents and maximizing them instead of letting them go to waste. This self-love begins with the acceptance of our limitless capabilities, the power to dream beyond our wildest imagination, creating our ideals and working relentlessly towards our aspirations.

It is not until we are able to love ourselves that we will be able to truly love someone else, sharing our lives and entire being. Reaching a familiar impasse in life where we sometimes cave in to insecurities, allowing ourselves to feel insufficient and unloved becomes the catalyst for a change of perspective and a cry for motivation that can only come from within. We should become our own driving force, tapping into our reservoirs of confidence, pushing ourselves to the thresholds of our abilities, because it is not until we start believing naysayers that we are defeated. If we are not able to embrace and love ourselves it becomes impractical to expect anyone else to love and accept us.

In pursuit of love, the first phase begins with each of us, The Attractor chooses to realize his potential and maximize on his attributes, embracing his flaws, consoled by the knowledge that the so called imperfections are just what make him perfect.


  1. this has only strengthen my belief "if i cannot accept myself then nobody can". some say that its cocky but i believe that its confidence. No one can love me better than myself
    (Five Precious Stones)

  2. (Five Precious Stones)

    "WHat i think about myself is far more important than what others think of me"

    Is the premice from where i value myself. Nobody is perfect, yet that doesnt mean that each MSM shouldnt strive for perfection.

    Jamaica is fast changing and becoming tolerant to "us", yet it is our responsibility to not "Real-Out", wear extremely suggestive clothing, or any other means that puts ourselves in danger.

    Giving in to the customs of society so that we might be "safe" doesnt mean we are weak, it means we value ourselves and respect ourselves enough to not provoke any unwanted attention.

  3. This lesson of self-love first is one I had to learn the hard way. I tried so hard to the best for someone that I disregarded my own needs and the neglect I was receiving. But I realised upon reflection that I had to appreciate all my highs and lows so that I can know when someone else does.

    Loving yourself takes the guess work out of a relationship. U can stop asking if when he does this or that,it means he loves you. You know when you love yourself because you know what you deserve

    Group: Five Precious Stones

  4. love lol love don't ask why it just come it some time bad and it some time good at time but we all need some one to love as right so just go go look for it feel it just be ur self and see it work (taunia group)

  5. Taunia 's Group: 3 )
    no one should really of to search for love as love will find you when the moments right

  6. I am no longer searching for love. I have decided to focus on ME if i know me then i will know what i want in my life.

    Thanks for sharing
    Cohort 4 - Group triple threat
